
Iggy and Heebie invade Holy Lemonland

During the past couple of weeks, one JewPunk sighting and one JewPunk citing.

The citing: Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's in The Jerusalem Post.

The sighting: Beeber Does Iggy in LEMON magazine.

Stay tuned for angry letters to the editors!


Jew Punk Time in New York Times

For those of you who didn't make it to "Loud Fast Jews" at YIVO the other night, no need to worry. Turns out the New York Times was there -- and that they were namedropping "Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's" like nobody's business.

Seriously, it's a funny and interesting article and I'm thrilled to see my book was mentioned in it. Check it out for yourselves:

"Punk, and Jewish: Rockers Explore Identity"



The Hora, the Hora

Remember when Queen Elizabeth said she was having her "annus horribilis"? Sounded kind of dirty, but we knew what she meant. In 1992, not only did Chuck split from Di, Queenie was also forced to pay taxes. The horror, the horror.

In health terms, the previous twelve months have been similarly horrid for me. In addition to numerous colds, flus, coughs and sneezes, I just experienced a three-week bout with pneumonia. Hence, my latest disappearance from bloggerizing. Still, I'm almost fully recovered now, so the inane drivel begins again.

Most recently drivel-wise is a shout out to all of you to go see "Loud and Fast Jews" at YIVO in NYC tonight. Lenny Kaye, Handsome Dick Manitoba, Tommy Ramone and Chris Stein will be talking about the Jewish Origins of Punk. Hmm, sounds like a good idea for a book, doesn't it? I wonder if anyone's written it...

Till next time,
