Calling all Jew-Punks!
In the spirit of the age (the Bronze Age, in computer terms), I'm now offiicially launching my blog. In "Blogga Blogga Hey," I will update you on all the latest in the world of Jewish Punk, both old and new. I'll also be filling you in on some of the behind-the-scenes details in the creation of my book "The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk." While I don't want to give away too much here, suffice it to say that there was LOTS of stuff that I couldn't include in my book, though it was definitely of interest. In coming posts, read about my bagel and lox with Joey Ramone's mom, the death threats I've received from Richard Hell, and my upcoming appearances at Jewish Book Festivals around the country (the next being in Washington D.C. on Oct. 9). I'll also be posting videos of panel discussions, excerpts from interviews, and other tasty tidbits (like my own personal best of rock songs about masturbation, a dream compilation I call "Beat the Meatles").
In the meantime, here's a recent article about the passing of Hilly Kristal that I wrote for Jewcy.
Hope you enjoy. And happy belated new year.
Gabba gabba etc,
Hi Beeber, welcome to the blogosphere. I've been promoting the hell out of you, your book and your upcoming trip to DC. Can't wait for you to come down here.
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